What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is the belief that your thoughts and feelings shape your reality. It’s like a mental magnet – what you focus on, good or bad, tends to show up in your life. In simpler terms, your thoughts attract similar experiences. This powerful concept means you have the ability to influence what happens to you by the way you think and feel.

Thinking happy thoughts tends to bring good things your way. When you focus on positive stuff, you’re more likely to find yourself in positive situations. It’s like having a sunny outlook that attracts good vibes and nice experiences.

A warm welcome to mypage!

Hey there, Beautiful Souls! I’m Priyanka, and I’m thrilled you’re diving into the enchanting world of the Law of Attraction with me.

I’m just an everyday woman, juggling life as a proud mom to a wonderful daughter. My mission? To inspire and uplift, leaving a positive imprint on at least one person’s journey. I remember wishing for guidance back in my early 20s.

Over the last five years, I’ve gathered everything I’ve learned and crafted engaging workshops covering various Law of Attraction topics. And that’s not all! I’ve launched “Empower Your Mind,” a vibrant monthly book club where we explore different self-help books together.

Let’s unlock the magic of positivity and self-discovery together! Join me on this thrilling adventure into a world where thoughts shape destinies. Welcome aboard!

My Story

Growing up without much emotional support at home, facing school bullies, and forming close bonds in high school, I unexpectedly found love at McDonald’s, leading to marriage at 21 despite financial challenges. The early years were tough with visa problems and money issues until our breakthrough in 2016/2017. The property we bought in 2018 became a valuable lesson, and now, after some reflection, we’ve decided to rent it out.

Law of Attraction post

After watching The Secret documentary, I was curious and purchased by first gratitude journal. A few days later, I manifested closer seats to the Kevin Hart show.

My Services

Law of Attraction workshops

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of the Law of Attraction with me? I have got some amazing workshops waiting for you.
Let’s chat about Abundance, Money Mindset, Habits, Self-Love and more!
Guess what?- You can catch them whenever you want—they’re pre-recorded, just for you.
I pour my heart into each workshop, sharing my own stories. Plus I’ve packed them with exercises you can work through in your own time.
Hit that “Find out More” button to take a look at workshop details, prices and duration.
Let’s manifest some incredible vibes together.

Empower your Mind Bookclub

Hello book club enthusiasts,
Join me on a monthly book club journey filled with insight, growth and fun!
We’ll dive into a new book each month, summarizing chapters and working through the exercises. Picture this- two live sessions, one kicking off the month and one wrapping it up, and the rest? The remaining sessions are pre-recorded so you can access them in your own time.
You’re not just joining a bookclub, you’re also going to be part of a wonderful, supportive Facebook community. It’s a hub for growth, where we share ideas and uplift each other.
What are you waiting for?- elevate your mind, expand your knowledge and click below to join us in this exciting adventure!

Live Monthly LOA Sessions

Get ready for a monthly dose of positivity and empowerment!
Join me in our lively 1-hour live sessions where we’ll dive into gratitude practices and practical Law of Attraction exercises. We’ll wrap each session with a quick, soul-soothing meditation.
Hit that button below and uncover all the exciting info! Let’s make each month a step towards, a more positive, abundant life together!

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