Why are Self-help books important in this day and age?

Self-help books are like friendly guides in today’s busy world. They show us ways to grow, believe in ourselves, and manage tough times. When life gets chaotic, these books bring calm and motivation, helping us stand strong. They teach us how to set goals, talk better, and stay positive. They’re like a helping hand, guiding us to be the best version of ourselves in a world that sometimes feels overwhelming. In simple words, they’re a friend cheering us on, and that’s why they matter today.

Why do I want to run my own book club?

I want to run my book club because it’s thrilling and brings people together over a shared love for books. It’s a chance for me to explore different worlds, ideas, and perspectives with friends. Plus, I get to lead discussions, share my thoughts, and create a friendly space where everyone feels welcome. Running a book club allows me to spread the joy of reading and connect with others who share my passion, making it a rewarding and fulfilling experience for me.

What will you gain from my book club?

We’re all about sharing positivity, inspiring each other, and staying motivated on our journeys.

Join our dynamic book club for engaging mini sessions on each book.

Don’t miss our two live sessionsβ€”one at the start and one at the end! Ask me anything and get a quick book overview!

Why should you join my book club? – Imagine reading and implementing 12 different books!

You get to read and implement key points from a new book every month.

Participating in live sessions provides an interactive platform for discussions and deeper insights into the book being discussed.

Members receive a summarized workshop that includes exercises for self-reflection and implementation of the book’s concepts at their own pace.

Members can apply the book’s teachings to their daily lives and promote personal development.

Empower Your Mind Book club


Book club Schedule

March 2024

Feel the Fear and do it anyways

April 2024

Get Rich Lucky Bitch

May 2024

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